Charlie is stuck in a rut. Tied to a telephone in a dingy Earls Court travel agent, dotted with dusty pot plants and faded posters of faraway places is not the life she had envisaged. A ‘phone call from her old mate, Jake, provides her with the opportunity to break out. They embark on an adventure of a lifetime in a Combi van through the African Continent. Will this change her life forever?
This easy read , chic-lit style love story,will be an inspiration for all those looking to break out of their rut. Pick it up for a holiday read or a good bedtime tale.
Based on a true story, the author now works as a life and career coach helping others live their dreams.
The Paris Orphans: A heart-wrenching and moving WW2 historical fiction short story (The Paris Sister...
Sartoris and Subterfuges: Posthumous Poems
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