
Free on 4th - 8th Jan 15
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Get The Guy: Easy Steps to Finally Get the Man of your Dreams

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Is this the year you find real love?

It will be once you read and practice the simple techniques in Get The Guy: Easy Steps to Finally Get the Man of your Dreams.

Author Jessica Riley outlines your strategy for interacting with the guy you have your eye on before he even asks you out (and he will). Using the inner workings of the male psyche and the evolving rights of women in the dating arena, Riley plots a strategy guaranteed to amp up your social life! This book isn’t targeted to the fashion models of the world – it’s written for the every day lady wanting to see some extraordinary changes in her dating life.

You must know your prey, so Riley begins with a chapter on the things that most men are looking for in a woman (and what they avoid at all costs). She’ll also take you through some exercises to help you decide what’s really important to you in a potential mate.This chapter alone is worth the price of the book, but there’s more. You’ll then use this knowledge and some easy-to-follow strategies to attract the type of man you are looking for.

She’s also going to help you improve on the assets you already possess, both physically and mentally. She’ll describe how to maximize your strengths so you get the right kind of curiosity and attention from men.

Once you’ve secured the all-important first date, Riley outlines a sound game plan for making this date a romantic success. Riley addresses everything from what to wear to how to present yourself. She keeps the wisdom coming for how to handle subsequent dates, and even smart strategies for the first time he invites you to his place.

Riley is careful throughout the book to encourage you to be yourself when dating, but to be your best self – an important concept when dating with a long-lasting relationship in mind. She does not endorse anything dishonest or unethical.

And ladies, this book speaks frankly about how you should behave when the two of you get to the bedroom. She covers clearly everything you need to have the night of both of your lives! She also includes an entire chapter of advanced techniques to keep the fireworks launching as your relationship blossoms. It’s tasteful, but don’t leave your Kindle around where the kids can see it!

Get The Guy is no scam to lure you into buying weight loss pills or self-hypnosis tapes. Riley is the popular girl with guys you wish you were, spilling her secrets privately to you! That cute guy you have your eye on will notice you within a few days of practicing everything Riley suggests.

So clear your calendar, especially on the weekends, because Get The Guy: Easy Steps to Finally Get the Man of your Dreams is going to renovate your relationship to men in general and set you on a direct course for romantic success!

Also, Riley offers you a bonus book to download with your purchase of Get The Guy, so this is double the ammunition for your new social weapon!

***Limited Edition***

Download your copy today!

Free on 4th - 8th Jan 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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