
Free on 14th - 16th May 24
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This is a new version of the book. All problems and mistakes are taken into account in it.
Hello everyone! Honestly, I don’t know how to describe this book, except as MIRACLE! You just have to read it!

This is a story about a girl who helps her mother to clean the house. Her mother is asleep – she is tired. The girl washes the floor, stains the dust, cleans the kitchen, and prepares dinner. This is a simple story, but it teaches your child to be a little more independent and responsible.
Since the book was written on behalf of a little girl, let her say a few words about her herself:

“Hi, I am Rose, a green-eyed girl,
My mommy Kylie names me a doll.
I hug and kiss her, refine her being,
With her together, I am a queen.

Our kitten Leslie smiles underneath,
She’s our mascot, a sign of peace. “

I would like to say a special thank you to the illustrator. Her talent and soul made this book incredibly beautiful!

Free on 14th - 16th May 24
View on Amazon.co.uk


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