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Free on 28th Oct 15 - 1st Nov 15
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Craving some gluten free bread? We know most GF eaters do! In fact, the biggest craving we have seen among gluten free eaters, whether they have celiac disease or are eating gluten free for some other reason, is to bite deeply into a fresh golden slice of bread (and maybe lathered with creamy butter, oh my!)

And so to meet this demand, of course there are a zillion brands of gluten free breads in the marketplace. Well, not a zillion, but quite a number, right? But the brutal truth is that most of these Gf breads and bread mixes are plain unhealthy; full of junk ingredients, chemicals, GMO, preservatives, additives, and worse. Now if you don’t care about getting stronger and feeling better on your gluten free diet, then probably you are fine eating all that junk every day. But if you are one of the more sensible and wiser consumers who refuse to take any gruff, this book is for you.

This list of 10 Gluten Free breads and bread mixes was selected from FoodSniffr’s database of thousands of ‘sniffed’ foods. This was no easy task, as we wanted to pick very clean, real food products and yet foods that would appeal to most eaters. The 10 food products you see listed in this collection are:

+ Clean, real food, and healthier breads and mixes.

+ Little or no junk, no trans fats, or high fructose corn syrup, no colors, preservatives.

+ Many non gmo, vegan options.

+ Many yeast-free options as we know that some gluten free eaters are avoiding yeast.

+ Easy to find in American supermarkets, health food stores, or online on Amazon.

[This ebook is a US edition; all the products listed in this ebook are easily available in the US; however, we are not aware if the listed food products are available outside the US.]

How to use this book

Make this book your source for daily inspiration as you go about grocery shopping for healthy , gluten free bread or bread mixes.

For each product, we give you the following:

Allergen Info: This will show you which of the eight common allergens this food is free from. So you know exactly what is in this food.

Diet Info: This will show you color-coded information; green is good for you; orange is the bad, so eat these foods with awareness and care; and reds are the Ugly, and it’s best to watch your intake of these. For example, vegan or vegetarian is shown in green; low fiber is orange; lastly if the food has downright unhealthy trans fats, high sugar, high sodium etc, it will show up in red. We have made every attempt to bring you foods with minimal orange and red elements. Awesome!

Ingredients: This section shows you the full list of ingredients in any product. We have also included a note here to alert you to the fact that food ingredients may change, and so it is best to read food labels on the actual package before consuming.

Nutrition Info: Where available, we list out the nutrition label here for you.

FoodSniffr Sniffs: This shows you the Good, the Bad, the Ugly that we have found in this product. This will help you decide if this product is for you or not. Cool, right?

Manufacturers Description: This is just what the name implies.

Get Coupons: We also give you a direct link to get all manufacturer coupons, when available. Who doesn’t like to save money, right?

Buy Near You: Click on this link in any of the products in this ebook, and you will find a store locator. Find a store near you quick and easy!

Learn more and buy online: The last section points you to this product’s page at FoodSniffr.com. Make it a point to visit this page to learn of any new information we may have found. This link will also allow you to buy this product from Amazon.com or Walmart with a click of a button.

So what are you waiting for? Start eating clean and gluten free with this powerful ebook of gluten free breads and bread mixes! Download it now!

Free on 28th Oct 15 - 1st Nov 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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