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Create the Future You Want – In 4 Easy Steps

Setting goals is just like vacation planning. We spend hours planning trips so why don’t we spend the same energy planning out our life which is much more important than a week-long vacation? Planning provides an advantage to getting the most out of any trip and life is no different. So instead of floating through this magnificent opportunity of life like an ill-planned vacation, step up to the future with a plan of attack and you can squeeze every last drop of possibility out of it.

“By the time you finish this book, your dreams will be spread out in front of you like a map and you will be motivated to start tackling all your heart’s desires!” – BB

Here is a Preview of What You Will Learn Inside This Book
This guide is meant to be a quick introduction on how to start writing plans to reach your goals; there are only 4 steps but you will need pencil and paper to get started. Plenty of books out there discuss the psychology and science behind it all but here we go straight into action. The steps included in this book are:
Step 1 – Taking Action. Step 2 – My Ideal World. This chapter leads you in writing a few sentences to describe the ultimate life you are working to reach. Step 3 – Brain Dump. In this step you set your mind free to write down everything you want both now and in the future. Step 4 – The Nitty Gritty. Here, you will take your Brain Dump and mold it into actions you can start to work on today.
This guide will help you:
Understand your Core ValuesWrite an exciting Ideal World statementComplete a Brain Dump of your WantsLearn how to organize what you want for maximum successCreate an action plan to reach your goalsLearn how to Write Inspired GoalsTips and tricks to writing out your goalsMuch, much, more!
Take Action Now and Download This Book for a Limited Low Price of $2.99!
Tags: Goals, Resolution, Motivation, Dreams, Inspire, Strategies, Steps, Actions, Plan, Improvement, Organize, Goal Setting, Core Values, Personal Mission, Personal Vision, Action Plan, Fast, Quick, Transformation

Free on 6th - 10th Jul 17
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