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Free on 29th Sep 15 - 3rd Oct 15
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If you are going through a rocky relationship and on the brink of divorce, this book will be a life-saver for you.

I know that is a tall promise, because you may have read other best-selling relationship books in the past that never improved your life.

Or you may have tried counseling and failed. This is not surprising, as most couples go for marriage counseling when it is way too late to save their marriages, and most marriage counselors are the kiss of death for marriages.

By the time couples get to a counselor, it is usually to receive last rites for the marriage.

According to the New York Times, two years after ending marital counselling 25% of couples are worse off than they were when they started, and after four years 38% percent are divorced.

I know this first hand, because my neighbor John was a certified Marriage Therapist and two years ago his marriage was in total tatters.

I spent a lot of time with John trying to make him understand that Gossip is the secret weapon of all happy couples and how by mastering the Art of Gossip, he could turn his life around.

Initially, John dismissed my theory. Why should an Senior Therapist with an MFT from the University of Washington listen to a person with absolutely no Counseling credentials? At the same time John was intrigued by the fact that I was living a beautiful married life using the power of Gossip.

John was almost jealous of the fact that I and my wife Suvarna, behaved like newly-weds even after 15 years of marriage. John couldn’t believe that we had never had a serious fight, nor visited a Marriage Counselor in our life.

All of this began to affect John and slowly he began to listen to my words. John realized that I was not sharing conventional counselling stuff like ‘improve your communication’ or ‘practice active listening’, but an unheard off ‘Art of Gossiping’ that he hadn’t read in any book or learned in any University.

Finally, John gave into my process, simply because he could not argue with the beautiful married life that I was living, right in front of his face.

John realised that while he and Clara were shouting their lungs off in one flat, I and Suvarna were enjoying the bliss of togetherness, right next door.

John left his logic behind, embraced the new journey, and slowly, but surely John’s life began to change before my eyes.

Six months later, I saw the most beautiful sight in my life. John and Clara were walking hand in hand in the small park in front of our apartment. They had put their differences behind them and were in love, all over again.

It was at that moment I realized that I had been holding the key to happy relationships for the last 15 years, but I had never shared it with anyone. I felt ashamed.

If I had been bold enough to share these ideas with others, I could have saved countless lives of misery and anguish.

At that moment, I felt that it was my duty to bring this revelation to the world. It was my mission to disclose the ultimate principle of intimacy.

The moment has come for me to shed my shyness and reveal to you the real truth about relationships.

Come with me on this exciting journey.

Kishore Dharma

Free on 29th Sep 15 - 3rd Oct 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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