
Free on 20th Apr 14
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“I did not have sex with that woman.”

— Bill Clinton

“I’m so happy for you.”

— A jealous friend

“I swear, I don’t have any homework.”

— Teenage daughter or son

The truth is, the world is full of liars. Whether it’s a spouse, a friend, a

colleague, a boss, an employee, a customer, or a salesperson, they all lie to

us – some more often than others.

However, more than 82% of lies go undetected.


Sometimes, we want to protect ourselves and prefer not to know the truth. A

lot of times, though, it’s because we can’t tell if somebody is lying to us.

Research shows that the average person’s accuracy in detecting a lie is 54%,

so not much better than the statistical equivalent of flipping a coin.

BUT, everybody (including you) can rise way above the average by learning

how to decode and interpret nonverbal behavior such as facial expressions,

gestures, physical movements and vocal tone.

Even without a natural knack for reading people, you can significantly

improve your ability to spot lies and uncover hidden emotions. Studies show

that beginner level training can improve the average person’s lie detection

ability by 25-50%!

Read this book and learn the basic step-by-step process for spotting


The techniques and tips in this book are based on scientifically backed

research and described in a way that you will be able to put them into ACTION

immediately while understanding why they work.

This guide will show you:

  • Why people lie and how you can encourage them to be more honest
  • What keeps us from recognizing deception and how to counteract those things
  • How to identify people’s hidden emotions
  • How to differentiate between real and fake emotional displays
  • How to read and interpret people’s facial expressions, body language and vocal tone
  • How to analyze people’s words and identify clues for deception
  • And most IMPORTANTLY, how to identify and define red flags that indicate that

    someone is lying
  • This information and the skills you acquire will save you money, time,

    future disappointments and sometimes may even be able to ensure your safety. It

    can prevent you from buying a damaged car or from hiring a bad employee and

    will make sure you know what is really going on inside the people you are

    interacting with.

    So if you want to have more honest interactions with the people in your life

    and are not afraid of the truth, scroll up, click the buy button & get

    started today!

Free on 20th Apr 14
View on Amazon.co.uk


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