“… a relatable heroine whom readers will want to follow to her next adventure.” – (BookLife) Melinda Foster is already at a crossroads when the “for rent” sign beckons her down a dusty gravel lane. Facing forty and downsized from her copywriting job at a Twin Cities ad agency, Melinda is struggling to find her way forward when a phone call brings her home to rural Iowa. It’s not long before Melinda is living in a faded farmhouse, caring for a barn full of animals, and working at her family’s hardware store in the community of Prosper, whose motto is “The Great Little Town That Didn’t.” And just like the vast garden she tends under the summer sun, Melinda soon begins to thrive. Filled with memorable characters, from a big-hearted farm dog to the weather-obsessed owner of the local co-op, “Growing Season” celebrates the challenges and joys of rural life. First in a series! Don’t miss the sequel, “Harvest Season,” and look for Book 3, “The Peaceful Season,” in October 2018. A fourth book, “The Waiting Season,” will be out in late 2018.
A Place in Time: A Ghost mystery (The Spirit of Peterborough Book 1)
Sartoris and Subterfuges: Posthumous Poems
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