
Free on 19th - 23rd Sep 23
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Tucked away at an upscale, private boarding school in Brindle Hollow, Washington, 17-year-old Eden East comes face to face with a hideous creature on her walk back to her dorm. Shaken to her core, she’s left questioning the world around her, and soon finds herself entering a friendship with a hot, new student named Alexander.

Little does she know, Alex is a Guardian Angel, sent from Midway to protect her from those dangerous creatures – known as Darkling – lurking in the forest outside Brindle Hall. It isn’t long before Alex learns this is no ordinary assignment. Eden’s existence holds a secret; something hidden from even herself.

Eden is thrust into a world where Fallen angels and creatures of the Underworld will stop at nothing to catch her. With Alex at her side and a little help from some of his old friends, they form a formidable front against the enemy.

Hopefully, it’s not too little, too late.

Guarding Eden is a Hidden Wings spin-off series, but you don’t have to read the Hidden Wings Series to enjoy the Midway Trilogy.

Intended for ages 15 and over

Free on 19th - 23rd Sep 23
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