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Free on 12th - 16th Aug 14
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Habit Creation Package – 3 Books for the Price of 2!

Want a discounted price on THREE different eBooks?

Here’s what you’ll get with this three book package:

The Habitual Life: How We Develop Habits, and the Tools That You Need To Become Habitually Successful

Have you been held back in your life by a bad habit? Maybe you don’t have the body that you want because you cannot say no to sugary snacks, your grades are failing because you get distracted instead of studying, or you were passed over for that promotion because of a bad or average work ethic.

Our lives are defined by the habits that we form. They dictate what we do, and how we do it. If you want to change any area of your life the key to permanent change is creating positive habits.

This book has been written as a guide to breaking down how to create and manipulate habits in your life. Every chapter consists of teaching you the phycology behind why we as humans do what we do, putting the actions discussed into context for the importance to your life, and then giving you key takeaways to begin implementing necessary changes into your life.

Success is a Habit that You can develop!

Procrastinate No More: How to stop stalling and start achieving results in your life

Discover how to release yourself from the dirty habit of procrastination. It doesn’t matter who you are or what you do for a living, you need to be productive to succeed in life. If you struggle to sit down and do your homework, go for that run that you so often put off, or your work is suffering because you continually put off work in favour of checking social media this book is for you.

Procrastination is a Habit. Understanding what makes up that habit lets you manipulate and break it for good!

This book gives you the tools that you need to break habits of procrastination for good. To open yourself up to achieving the most out of your life by doing the work you need to when you want to.

Creating a Champion: Learn How to Create Habits of a Champion, and the Tools that You Need to Set and Reach Your Goals

Champions are fascinating people. They perform extraordinary things through their persistence, willpower and drive. Champions have a lot to teach us.

Learn the Habits and Routines Michael Phelps contributes his success to – and how you can apply them in your life!

Seeing an athlete like Michael Phelps break the world record at the Olympics gives us but the briefest insight into a champion’s life. We can’t even begin to comprehend all of the sweat, tears and hours of hard work that went into making those seconds perfect for our champions.

Peel back the lid of some of the key things that champions do to take them to the next level. We will be focused on what’s under the surface, on the systems and procedures that we need to implement.

This book breaks down the key elements that champions share and provides a three step actionable plan that you can implement in your daily life to excel in your endeavours. It will illuminate a path that may have never been lit before for you to go down in your life. It will help you to become the best version of yourself and to achieve success in a way that you haven’t before.

Winning is a Habit that You can develop! Start Your Journey To Becoming a Champion Today.

Would You Like To Know More?

Download now and begin to Create Habits of Success TODAY!

Scroll to the top of the page and select the “buy” button.

Free on 12th - 16th Aug 14
View on Amazon.co.uk


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