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Say this to yourself:Change my habits, change my life. Now relax. You now know the simple method required to make your life better. But how you ask? If you’re looking to fix the big problems pestering you in your life, you may surprisingly need to start by addressing the little things. Bad habits no more, this is the book that will teach you how to break an existing habit and put new healthy habits in their place. Let me break it down for you:

Habits: No Motivation Required is the life-changing book designed to help you make big changes through tiny but consistent action. This book is dedicated to helping those frustrated with tired motivation techniques and exhausted from reading the same cliche sayings to finally start and achieve some success by changing their habits. This is done through doing away with the classic “motivation first” mindset and instead focusing on the true pillar of habit change…willpower. This book teaches you not only how to maximize your willpower but how to use it effectively to finally get the life you deserve…one habit at a time.

“I want to change my life, and I want to change my life permanently”. Sound like you?

If you’re serious about moving forward towards a better life but aren’t sure where to begin, look no further.

This book teaches readers how to adopt the only highly effective methodology available to make real change, ensure your success, and gain ultimate freedom. Have you ever wondered how to change your life piece by piece? Ever wondered how to break a habit you feel trapped in?

Some say there are “7 habits” specifically to follow but starting a new habit simply isn’t…well, simple.

If you’ve ever struggled with just getting to the starting line, then this book is for you.

The fear of making a plan and implementing it can be paralyzing but the information contained in this book can truly help you to take action and make your life better than before.

If you have the self-respect and drive to fix the things in your life that aren’t working, this book is worth it! You’re worth it! You deserve to live happily, have the energy to make it through the day, and to find that special someone. There is truly no reason you can’t have it all, but there is no magic pill, product, or app that is going to help you. Instead, the instrument of your success is going to be your brain.

Of course, all instruments need to be understood and tuned correctly in order to produce beautiful music. Sometimes your brain isn’t your best friend. Sometimes it seems to want to hurt you! Why for example, would it let you smoke a cigarette if it knows that it could cause you to get cancer later? It actually gets worse. Your brain will not only sign off on things that may be wildly unhealthy in the long run, it also can keep you from developing the necessary habits that will raise you to success. It seems like there is no reason for this, that it just does what it wants, but it isn’t random happenstance. Your brain is not broken. It’s doing these things for a reason, and knowing these reasons is incredibly powerful in terms of getting to where you want with your habits and in life. If you’re looking to improve your life, you need to understand why your brain is doing the things it does and even more importantly, get control of it!

Healthy habits are extremely important to achieving anything in your life. They will, quite literally, make or break you. However, developing the right habits is not easy, and for good reason. Your brain does not want to change. It’s happy with the status quo, even if the status quo isn’t working. Habits: No Motivation Required is the science-driven book designed to help you understand your brain when it comes to habits so that you can use your own personal instrument of success to change your thoughts and change your life. It’s time to take action, and it starts here

Free on 30th Jun 17
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