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Free on 14th - 15th Feb 14
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Healthy Herbal Smoothies & Juicing for Health And Vitality BONUS – Includes a FREE sample of “Delicious & Healthy Juicing Recipes” that help You stay healthy, fit, lean & clean.

Healthy Herbal Smoothies + Juicing for Health And Vitality is a compilation of 2 blender recipes books that includes 25 delicious blender recipes for juices and smoothies that you can make with your favorite blender like the Ninja Blender, Nutribullet, Vitamix, or any similar high speed blender and your favorite high power juicer like the Breville juicer or the Green Star juicer.

Juliana will show you how she uses her favorite powerful hi-speed smoothie maker the Nutribullet (you can use any other high speed blender and/or juicer, but the Nutribullet makes both juices and smoothies) to tear through radish, kale, cauliflower, zucchinis, aspargus, berries, ginger, cucumbers, carrots, fennel, celery, melon, pineapple, beets, oranges, apples, lemon, blackberries, strawberries & other juicing fruits and vegetables, transforming them into these delicious juices and vitality elexirs. The Nutribullet also helps her to keep the healthy nutritious pulp inside the glass.

She has the lifestyle of clean drinking and eating down to a science and shows you how you can go into your kitchen, make a high speed blender juicing recipe, clean up and be out in most of the cases in about 5 minutes max.

She shows you some amazing recipes that are boosting your immune system, restoring your body’s natural ability to heal itself, energizing and regulating your hormones, helping neutralize free radicals in our body and brain, satisfying your daily supply of the cancer fighting mineral selenium, treating fungal bacteria in the body like candida, boosting your energy level to fight against fatigue and illnesses, loosing some weight and become lean, burning fat, and many health benefits!

Applying these healthy juicing and smoothie recipes in combination with her secret morning elexir (which is included in this compilation – Juicing Recipes For Vitality & Health), a daily consumption of smoothies, and a light nutritious meal plan, Juliana was able to achieve her health and weight loss goals in a very quick time.

If you, too, want to replace the common and sick making food options with these delicious juicing and smoothie drink solutions that are tasty, 5 minute quick and easy to make, and that are going to make your body healthy, energized and clean, you owe it to yourself to get into the habit of a daily juicing and smoothies.

In the second juicing book called: “Juicing Recipes For Vitality & Health”, you will discover Juliana’s Secret Morning Elexir and all the juicing recipes that she followed during her Juicing Diet to beat Ashthma.

She was suffering for countless years from breathing and Asthma problems and applying a daily juicing diet combined with smoothies and a light mealplan helped her get rid of this nasty health problem for good.

Inside you will learn what juicing can do for your own vitality and health.

Juliana will show you the powerful health benefits that come with a daily juicing habit.

There is truly an unlimited amount of health benefits that come with juicing.

Here are the most important ones:

Weight Loss (Juliana also used juicing and smoothies in combination and lost 40 lbs in two month)
Beautiful Glowing & Wrinkle-Free Skin from the Inside Out
Alzheimer’s Prevention
Asthma Help (Juliana suffered from Asthma for many years and was finally able to get rid of it because of her daily Juicing and Smoothie ritual)
Blood Cleanse
Pain Relief
Reduce Inflammation
Stroke Prevention
and an unlimited amount of other health benefits…

Juicing is a simple to acquire skill and if you turn this skill

Free on 14th - 15th Feb 14
View on Amazon.co.uk


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