Do you feel lost and isolated, as though you don’t matter?
Do you feel tired and stressed, in need of replenishment and refreshment?
Do you want to find out more about the One who loves you more deeply, and knows you more thoroughly, than you could ever imagine?
Do you want to find out practical ways to grow your faith and walk more closely with Jesus?
Then this book is for you!
Meredith wrote this book during recovery from an extremely challenging time in her life – having gone through a divorce, resignation from her long term teaching job and relocation to a different city to access better services for her autistic daughter. Her daughter was also very unwell at this time, becoming bedridden by a mystery illness. All of this had left Meredith feeling exhausted, fearful, alone and very isolated.
Meredith knew she needed to strengthen her fragile spirit and overcome the fear of this time. She sought the guidance of Scripture and the assistance of the Lord Jesus Christ, knowing that only He could bring comfort and healing at the deep levels required. Meredith knew that her relationship with her Creator meant He was available 24/7 and so she started to schedule regular time where she communicated with Him. Covered with prayer and Scripture, Meredith visualised meeting Jesus in a beautiful garden that she came to know as the Garden of Promise – so named for the promises of goodness and grace found liberally throughout the Scriptures.
This devotional-style book is the result of these communications – an unforgettable and inspiring journey of encouragement and healing, where Jesus spoke new life into Meredith’s being. Her feelings of isolation lifted and she felt herself soothed, replenished and deeply loved by spending this time with the Lord Jesus Christ.
You, too, are invited to go on this journey through the pages of this book as you hear His voice and meet Jesus in the Garden of Promise.
Where's Chuckawalla Bill's Cabin?: A True Tale of Being Lost in the Hi-Desert
THE DEPTH OF HIS LOVE: Exploring the heartbeat of God towards the saved and the unsaved
Spiritual Growth through Fasting:: Navigating 14 Spiritual Paths with Purpose Book
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