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High blood pressure or Hypertension leading to life-threatening complication is a reality. All the study and data indicate that most of us will get high blood pressure.

For hypertension prevention,  you need to be prepared and start preventive measures as early as possible. There is a common misconception that high blood pressure is a disease of old age, but all recent studies show people are getting affected with hypertension at an early age (  25  years or more). This calls for an action even at an early age. This book will help.  I hope after reading this book you can choose a plan to control and prevent hypertension. You can choose  a plan that works for you.

When we are diagnosed with hypertension or want to start preventive measure for high blood pressure, we face a common confusion. Usually our major concerns are;
Should we use medicine to control Hypertension or control it only with lifestyle modification.What are the alternative treatments available for hypertension and do they work. How good are the alternative treatments for hypertension without medicineWhat is the best way to prevent hypertension.Are the medicines used to control hypertension safe in long term use.
Usually we want to know;
Is there any cure for hypertension.Is there any medicine to prevent high blood pressure.Can we prevent it only with specific diet and lifestyle modification such as DASH diet or PRITIKIN diet .  In this book, I have tried to give all these answers. I have given pro and cons of drug and non-drug ( Herbal, Homeopathic, Meditation) treatments proven to be useful for hypertension. Also included and explained  treatments that are useless for hypertension.

With information, I hope you can make an informed decision on your treatment plan. And you can also work on prevention of high blood pressure.

Free on 22nd Oct 17
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