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This is an easy guide to the amazing healing power of Nature and you can get it now, for a limited amount of time, at a promotional price

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This is a book of many uses and the application is natural no chemicals that will harm our system, honey really work wonders. I have proven the effectiveness of honey when I suffer a strange throat itchiness and it stays there for 2 days, I tried taking 1 tablespoon of honey and in an hour my throat itchiness disappear, what a relief, so I make it a point that when I drink tea or warm lemon water that I mixed with honey, it is a time-honored way to soothe my throat. This book is superb in contents and the way the images are presented are fantastic, the picture itself speaks the thought, highly suggested read.

Honey is famous for its natural properties that fight against a number of diseases. Using honey for different healing purposes is not a new thing. About 5,000 years ago, Egyptian physicians used to use it in different cures and compounds. Moreover, a research proved that it has been used in some other old practices from Indian Ayurveda and Chinese Medicine to Mayan Shamanism. In the last decade, there has been a great revolution in scientific research on honey as a medicine at research laboratories, universities and medical colleges around the globe.

Using honey in your daily life can reduce the risk of cancer, heart diseases, diabetes and can also help in reducing unwanted weight and body fat. Moreover, it also increases longevity. Raw and pure, unprocessed honey is a way healthier sweetener than simple sugar and fructose syrup. Honey is full of minerals, antioxidants and vitamins. How many calories does honey have? Only 21 calories per teaspoon.

Living an unhealthy life is not a good idea. Health is wealth. No matter how much wealth you have if you don’t own a good health. A number of fruits and nuts that we eat in our daily life are pollinated by honeybees. Such fruits and nuts are good for our health. Just imagine, if the fruits that are pollinated by honeybees are so beneficial, then how much beneficial the honey itself will be.

If you are tired of visiting doctors and hospitals, this guidebook is for you. You will learn different types of home remedies that can be prepared with the use of honey. Such remedies are going to help you in treating different diseases naturally. Different remedies cure different illnesses. However, you can use honey in each and everything that you eat or drink, it will make your meals and drinks healthier and tastier.

Knowledge is necessary before practicing something. What do you know about the history of honey and the types of honey? Without knowing about different types and their uses, you cannot completely gain benefit from honey. If you don’t know anything about honey, don’t be worried, this guidebook teaches each and everything from scratch.

What this book about is:

o Importance and History of Honey

o Scientific Support to Honey

o Different Types of Honey

o Home Made Remedies

o Lots, lots more!

Honey is the way to a healthier life so grab the copy of this guidebook now along with some honey and live a healthier life!

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Free on 8th - 10th Mar 16
View on Amazon.co.uk


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