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Free on 31st Mar 17 - 4th Apr 17
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In the world of Altadas, there are no more human births. The Regime is replacing the unborn with demons, while the Resistance is trying to destroy a drug called Hope that the demons need to survive.

Between these two warring factions lies Jacob, a man who profits from smuggling contraceptive amulets into the city of Blackout. He cares little about the Great Iron War, but a chance capture, and an even more accidental rescue, embroils him in a plot to starve the Regime from power.

When Hope is an enemy, Jacob finds it harder than he thought to remain indifferent. When the Resistance opts to field its experimental landship, the Hopebreaker, the world may find that one victory does not win a war.

Interview with the Author

Q – What makes the Great Iron War steampunk books special?

A – The characters, the vehicles, the story, the world, the action, and the adventure. Expect fast-paced steampunk dystopian novels, many quirky characters, lots of witty banter, and tons of good old-fashioned guns, metal, cogs and steam.

Q – What exactly is the steampunk genre?

A – Many people see it in different ways, but it’s essentially a setting where steam-powered technology is predominant, typically depicted in a Victorian-esque world. Sometimes this can be an alternate history, while other times, like in the Great Iron War steampunk series, it is set in a completely different world. No matter where or when it’s set, however, steampunk fiction usually comes with style and attitude in abundance.

Of course, the “punk” side of the equation is just as important, and this generally represents a kind of anti-establishment mindset for the characters in the novels. This is especially true of the members of the Resistance in Hopebreaker and its sequels, who are living in a dystopian world ruled by a literally demonic government, but it can also be more subtle, such as the liberation of women from gender stereotypes, and a general rebelling against the expectations of the Victorian era. While fans of the genre may focus on historical periods, many of these issues are arguably still relevant today.

There are also related genres and sub-genres, including (but not limited to): clockpunk (where machinery is powered by clockwork), dieselpunk (where diesel is the primary fuel of technology), and atompunk or atomicpunk (with the introduction of atomic energy, weapons, and the Cold War that accompanies them). While the Great Iron War is largely a steampunk series, the novels also include elements of these other genres.

Q – What makes these steampunk novels a must read?

A – Because there’s a sweet spot where science fiction and fantasy meets, and the Great Iron War falls bang smack in the middle of that. There is a demon invasion and occupation of a different world, magical amulets that stop them being born, the substance called Hope that they need to survive, and then there’s trucks, tanks, submarines, airships, guns, mechanical men, clockwork contraptions, and emerging new technologies that will shape, or destroy, the world of Altadas.

The bottom line: Like many of the best steampunk novels out there, the Great Iron War oozes attitude, action and adventure.

Q – How many books are in this stumpunk fantasy series? When will they be released?

A – There are six books in this series, each releasing roughly 3-4 months apart. I’m also working on a standalone prequel novel, and there’s certainly room for more stories set in the dystopian world of Altadas. Sign up for my mailing list for the lowdown on new releases, and get a free story: bit.ly/deanfwilson (copy and paste into your browser).

Thanks for reading!

The Great Iron War Steampunk Fiction Series eBook Categories:

– Steampunk Novels

– Steampunk Fantasy

– Steampunk Dystopian

– Steampunk Series

– Steampunk Fiction

– Steampunk Books

– Dystopian Novels

Free on 31st Mar 17 - 4th Apr 17
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