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Free on 19th - 23rd Jan 16
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House Cleaning Made Easy: How to Clean your House Fast, Easy and Clutter Free

They say cleanliness is next to godliness. Well, we can infer that dirt is next to the opposite of godliness. And as we all know, godliness comes with its set of benefits including but not limited to better health, peace of mind, more productivity, and peace with those around you in the form of reduced conflicts. The inverse is also true; if you are not godly, it means your life will all be in one mess and this mess comes in the form of regular conflicts with people, diseases, reduced productivity, stress, depression, and many other bad things. But although we all know all this every well, we also understand that it is one thing to not like your current way of life and a completely different thing to take action to change.

So what happens when you find yourself in a house filled with clutter and stains? What many of us do is to schedule a weekend off to clean the easy to see parts of the house and put away the stuff that we don’t want seen. But the truth is that this does little in changing the situation because within a week or two, we are where we started and the house is running in the same old mess that we kept away just two weeks or more before.

This endless cycle cannot really get you anywhere as far as home organisation is concerned because what it can only teach you is to respond to crises. So unless someone is coming to visit, you will hardly do much. All this continues to the point that you now stop caring who is coming and in the worst cases, you simply decide not to allow guests to come to your house. They say no man is an island; you will need friends and family at some point in your life. But if you are ashamed of your dungeon of a house, welcoming guests will never be an easy thing.

Well, there is an end to this seemingly endless cycle and this end starts a new beginning of living a house that is free from clutter and sparkling clean such that you can pick up any guest on your way to work without feeling ashamed that there are socks in the kitchen, plates on the bathroom sink, cooking pots in the bedroom etc. This book will help you get there by helping you to de-clutter, clean and organize the house, one room at a time. It will also give you practical tips on what you should do in every step to achieve the kind of house you want.

Here Is A Preview Of What You’ll Learn:

How You Can Clean, De-Clutter And Organize The Kitchen How To Clean, De-Clutter And Organize The Living Room How To Clean, De-Clutter And Organize The Bathroom How To Clean, De-Clutter And Organize The Bedroom How To Clean, De-Clutter And Organize Any Other Room In The HouseAnd Much, Much More!

To learn more about House Cleaning and De-cluttering, download your copy of this book now!

Tags: House Cleaning, House Organizing, Organized House, Easy Cleaning, Home Organizing, Home Cleaning, Minimalism, Cleaning, Cleaning House, Organizing, Housekeeping, Declutter

Free on 19th - 23rd Jan 16
View on Amazon.co.uk


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