
Free on 22nd - 24th Oct 15
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One of the Hottest Construction Guides of the year!!!

HOW TO BUILD A FORTRESS THE SMART WAY: (with step-by-step instructions)

Hello there dear reader! First of all let me thank you for picking-up this eBook and deciding to give it a shot! If this is your first time reading one of my eBooks then this section will tell just what you can expect to learn here and how the information will be presented. It’s all laid out in a fun and easy way, and you’ll even have pictures to help supplement the text and help you understand it.

Building giant structures is no easy task and we all need some help from time to time. The main focus will be on creating an impressive fortress with high walls, towers and a castle in the middle. You’ve already seen a short preview of the fortress on this eBook’s cover, but I’ll be providing a chapter dedicated to the entire tour of the fortress. As for me (your instructor), you can be confident that I know what I’m doing and that you’ll really learn a lot throughout this eBook. I’ve been (and still am) a hardcore miner since the first beta version and during that time I’ve amassed a lot of knowledge and experience.

You will make your own stuff in order to become a better miner and challenge yourself to build the biggest and best things that you can! And, of course, you want your stuff to be better than your mate’s stuff. That’s probably why you’ve clicked onto this e-book.

By the end of this eBook you’ll learn some amazing secrets and other things that you will be able to use in your own game. So sit back, relax, and let your friends be blown away by the sheer brilliance of your mind – a mind that is able to conjure up and develop the coolest, most unique and totally brilliant things. So, what are you waiting for?

GRAB your copy NOW!!!

Free on 22nd - 24th Oct 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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