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What if I told you that you can literally heighten your own creative awareness?

If you are an Artist, Fashion Designer, Graphic Designer, or even if you only dabble in a few artistic mediums in the comfort of your own home, this book is for you!

I have spent my entire working life involved in many different creative projects; however, my creative lifestyle didn’t begin in my adulthood. At such a young age, I learned that creativity is in absolutely everything. I soon found out that when my own creative mind-set was enriched with certain creative content, I could propel myself in whichever direction I chose, and indeed develop my level of creative intelligence directly. I must say it is quite energising to know that I can simply shift my creative awareness straight into the creative flow mode whenever I like. I love the creative flow because this is the frame of mind that sees me creating my best work, without me even feeling like I have worked hard at all.

This book is designed for all creative types, guaranteed to expand your creative awareness and give your mind-set a push in the right direction, for all of your personal and work projects.

It will show you how to expand your creative awareness and awaken your senses. It will allow you to become far more aware of the creative opportunities that are already all around you so you can better express your originality within your creative ventures.

By reading this book, you will learn about:

Designating and designing a creative work space to suit your very own creative mind-set
Beating times of Procrastination
How to create your very own inspirational creative work file
The importance of the creative flow
How to use photography to awaken your creative senses
The importance of meditation in creativity
Visit a person or place of interest for inspiration
Changing your living environment to suit your creative needs
Mind-mapping your creative ideas
The importance of making everything physically visual
The benefits of dancing around the house to improve your creative senses
How to recycle and combine your creative ideas
The importance of getting out into nature
Deliberately changing your perspective for new creative insights
Being curious about everything
Right brain training
20 minute walk every day
Superfoods advantage blockers
Befriending and collaborating with like-minded individuals
How colours affect your creativity

This book is literally packed with practical and powerful ways to show you how you can indefinitely enhance your creative mind-set. It contains many new and easy techniques you can include into your creative lifestyle, so if you want to take your creativity to the next level, download this book today and enrich your creative journey with this new approach to finding the creative genius in you.

Free on 17th Apr 18
View on Amazon.co.uk


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