
Free on 23rd - 27th May 17
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The Kodi app is one such app, standing apart from all the other media streaming apps of our day. The Kodi app is the fastest, most reliable, and most universal app on the market, and installing it onto your devices is going to change the way you view entertainment.

But how do you use this app? Is it safe? Is it difficult to install or use? With so many capabilities, there are also many questions that come along with the Kodi app.

And that’s where this book comes in. In it, you are going to discover everything you need to know about Kodi, from how to install it onto your Fire Stick or any other device, how to safely use Kodi, what to do with VPNs, and how to use the Add-Ons.

This guide is everything you need for the 2017 version of Kodi, and it is going to revolutionize your entertainment world. Let me show you the secret to the best app in entertainment, and help you start using the app that will change the way you stream all your media from now on.

oLearn what Kodi is and how to use it
oLearn how to install Kodi on any device in your home
oLearn how to use VPNs and Add-Ons to get the most out of your Kodi
oLearn tips, tricks, and troubleshooting advice to keep your app running to the fullest
oAnd much, much more!

Free on 23rd - 27th May 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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