
Free on 28th Aug 24 - 1st Sep 24
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Ready to sell more books? Reach out to influencers and get that exposure you need!

Influencers are an excellent way to get a lot of exposure for your book. There are many ways for authors to reach out to influential people and get their books promoted. This book will show the tops and tricks to reach the people who have a lot of clout in the world of online book promotion. Using social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram or Tik Tok can get your books seen by an audience of hungry readers.

We look at the most effective influencer networking sites available and bring you a comprehensive list of the best book influencers for Twitter, Instagram and Tik Tok.

Buy the book, find an influencer and send them a proposal today!

Influencer marketing can be an extremely lucrative way to sell books for indie authors. Especially If you find a targeted #booktoker or #bookstagrammer for your launch or promotion. Finding the right niche of people interested in your book can make all the difference. Since 2004, NPD Bookscan has been tracking U.S. book sales and estimates that in 2021 the American market sold 825 million books. It’s the most prolific year yet. Bookscan attribute this, in part, to the collective influence of #booktokers, the TikTok book influencers passionately posting about their favourite books. At the time of writing this book, the hashtag #booktok had been tagged on 35.8 million videos. The #booktok hashtag has become so influential it is now monitored by both physical and online book retailers for what books that they should be merchandising.

Free on 28th Aug 24 - 1st Sep 24
View on Amazon.co.uk


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