Author: Genre: Length: Novel

Free on 2nd - 6th May 15
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Hartmann Slate was subpoenaed to Washington under the pretence that he ran an investment Ponzi scheme from his bank in Texas. Hartmann’s wealth and possessions were taken from him; he vowed revenge. But not before his mind went. Alcohol and self pity almost destroyed him.

Hartmann, after a cocktail of drugs is administered to him, recovered his mind and his memories and he knew that he was in danger. Instead of running, he decided to face the challenge head-on with Manchester and went hunting. His real enemy was himself and he was warned, in no uncertain terms, ’do not drink hard liquor with the drugs.’

The committee, a perverted bunch with their version of the “Star Chamber” secretly condemned Hartmann to death. He was cleverly induced to visit a Texas hunting ranch where he would be hunted, then placed in an arena (Circus Maximus) that was filled with trained flesh eating pigs.

Free on 2nd - 6th May 15
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