We have a certain dislike towards Narcissists, but what if I tell you that we actually adore them and in fact Idolise them without having the idea that we do. Don’t you believe me?
What if I tell you that the classical book characters you loved so much are in fact Narcissists, sorry to break your bubble of mirth, but that is true!
What if there is a dash and a load of Narcissism in those protagonists we often adored and wanted to be like?
Curious or want to prove me wrong, either way, this book is going to reveal the greatest secrets of Narcissists you never knew, in fact, it will also reveal our own love for Narcissism.
This book will tell you everything about Narcissism you ever wanted to know, plus about the 10 MOST LOVED NARCISSISTS in the bestselling books.
Be ready to be surprised!
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