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Free on 14th - 18th Mar 18
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She called for her sister.

Someone else answered…

Angela and Lillian Tremblay return to Summerhaven, New Hampshire after sixteen long years away. The sisters are forced to face old small town secrets, as well as forgotten childhood memories that float just beneath the surface of consciousness.

One winter’s day, Angela comes home to find her dear, sweet Lillian dead in the basement. The police are content her hanging is a suicide and refuse to pursue other possibilities. But the town’s residents know the gruesome facts about the house. It was once the dwelling of the Summerhaven Witch, a woman known for killing children and bathing in their blood.

A tortured Angela meets a local psychic who promises to help her discover the identity of Lil’s murderer. Now Angela must decide if she is willing to risk it all and contact the spirits for answers.

When a deceased teenage girl appears and connects Angela’s past to her present, the truth threatens to push Angela from the cliffs of sanity. Will the house’s dark secrets remain buried in the shadows forever, or will the dead come forth to exhume Angela’s memories when she uses the Ouija board and speaks her incantations?

Secrets can scar. Memories can kill. Incantations is a surreal psychological tale that examines the tragedy of suicide, death, and sinister family secrets.

This is the debut horror novelette by author Erik Straker. One of only a handful of paranormal new releases by him this year. A perfect addition for your horror library, featuring supernatural creatures and supernatural origins. Also perfect if you love haunted houses and ghost novels.

Get your copy of INCANTATIONS now.

Free on 14th - 18th Mar 18
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