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This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to eliminate jealousy and insecurity in your life.

Any relationship is prone to certain hurdles. There are times in which you and your significant other fight over even the simplest things. Choosing a restaurant to dine in for the night can very well nurture an atmosphere of contempt. And then there are other things like finances, careers, relationships and emotional space that constitute the cores of human life.

We can never stray from the simple truism that relationships, no matter corny they get, can succumb to problems. And it becomes more complicated when either partner begins to feel emotionally detached; a feeling which is at most sourced from jealousy.

But from jealousy, we should also provide another truism. For instance, in the world of relationships, we find it hard to tow the feelings of our partners. We cannot help but to decode their thoughts. But we do know how we feel when, say, when they approach someone else. This happens a lot to people in relationships that are no more complicated than any turbulent celebrity marriage. You are at a party, and then this guy or girl arrives, flaunting the appearance of a model who posed for some urban magazine at some point. He or she enters the room, attracting the other people with a sex appeal that laughs at your seemingly lack of. You can only stand with indifference when your hubby figures as a potential victim. You try to play it cool, but you just can’t help being unnerved in such a tense situation, where you try to control your partner but simply can’t. Instead, you try to enjoy the remaining hours of the party, contemplating on whether you are indeed a good mate.

We all know that parties as this do not happen a lot. But we can only be assured that jealousy surfaces at any given time or place. And it is a feeling that just gives us ache and infuriation. But for some, it is a sign of an inability to maintain a lasting relationship and generally become a better at what you do.

Insecurity, then, is the direct effect of jealousy. If you look at it closely, jealousy goes hand-in-hand with insecurity in creating the pretext of a possible split.

In this book, we will try to put jealousy in perspective. We will point out its effects that do not only involve the pitfalls of insecurity. As with any other book on relationships and personal development, this piece of social literature contains important advice on how to put your emotions in check, since we all know that emotions play a significant role in the fostering or destruction of individual life.

As for insecurity, this book manages to let individuals know that it is a consequence of trying to suppress certain thoughts and feelings rooted on an irrational perception of the self.

What’s more, this book will try to give advice on how better to treat your partner and respect his or her own feelings about the relationship you share.

Finally, this book urges us to improve ourselves by becoming the masters, not of other people, but of our very own emotions.

This book consists of simple chapters

  • Why Do We Get Jealous
  • What can Excessive Jealousy Lead to?
  • Stop Jealousy
  • The Ultimate Insecurity Cure
  • Much, much more!

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Download Your Copy Now and Level up your Self-esteem

Free on 17th - 21st Aug 14
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