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Get Ready to Learn JavaScript the FAST Way!

Do you want to break into javascript coding and make more money?

Do you need to broaden your HTML skills into javascript programming?

Do you want to know what the programmers at work are talking about?

If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, then: Javascript – The Fast Way is a fantastic place to start your lucrative journey into the world of programming by teaching you one of the most in-demand programming languages.

By now, many people have a rudimentary understanding of HTML, but not enough to get to the cutting edge of front-end development and web development. In order to develop interactive websites and develop web-integrated apps, you need to learn javascript.

This book covers the most basic and important aspects of javascript. You will learn essential concepts from the very first chapter that will catapult your web development knowledge. We will cover the background of javascript so you understand the premise before we get into specifics.

We start off with the basics of javascript, understanding its nature as a ‘right on time’ language that runs within HTML code to provide the most well-known internet experiences today.

Next, we will learn the different data types and variables within javascript. The three main data types are string, number and boolean – we will discover what these are and how we can use them. We will also learn about special, composite and string types as well. Then we will master defining variables so we can begin to understand the full breadth of things we can create with javascript.

In the next chapter, ‘Conditional Operators and Looping Structures’, we will first explore the conditional, or ‘if-else’ operators we can use in Javascript to define differing web experiences for users depending on their input into the webpage.

Once you understand conditional operators, we will then dive in to looping structures, which can run code over and over again, but with varying results each time. Interesting? You bet – and useful in many ways that we will survey together.

Our studies in javascript build upon each chapter we go through, so it is important that you study each chapter in the order it appears in the book. Once we get into the next chapter, ‘Javascript Functions’, we will get into the real meat-and potatoes of Javascript. Functions are blocks of javascript that execute several lines of instruction to achieve your app’s purpose. This where you will begin to learn the information you will refer back to throughout your coding career.

We will continue on to learn the concept of objects in javascript. The use of objects is why javascript is referred to as ‘object-oriented’. We will learn what legitimate objects are and how to use them.

Finally, we will explore the all-important concept of events as they apply to javascript, and the event handlers that make all of this work whenever users want it to.

Once you study each chapter thoroughly, you will have a firm foundation in coding in javascript. I will advise you where to go from here in your coding studies as well – your future is about to get brighter than ever!

***Limited Edition***

Download your copy today!

Free on 17th - 21st May 15
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