
Free on 17th - 21st Mar 15
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Discover one of the first steps In finally taking control of your life and that is getting health. A great way to start is with juicing for your health

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If you want to have a great life you must be healthy first. TAKE ACTION NOW! buy this book and start your journey to optimal health with these easy juicing recipes prepared in the Ninja Blender. Your body is sure to thank you!

Millions of people die every day all over the world because they aren’t aware of the damage they are doing to their bodies. Its no secret that because many of us have such busy lifestyles that it causes us to think “convenience” over health when it comes to eating. If you have diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, feel tired all the time or you are overweight like i was then you must do something right now to reverse these debilitating conditions because your body is telling you “I’M DYING. There is absolutely no better way to start your journey to optimal health then juicing.

I can’t even begin to tell you how beneficial juicing is to your health, you just have to try it to believe it. Juicing helps you consumer more fruits and vegetables in one sitting than you probably will care to consume in a week, I know it did for me. Juicing has helped me shed tons of weight, get clearer skin, lower my cholesterol, lower my blood pressure and obtain massive energy.

If you want to be successful at anything in life, if you want to get rid of excess weight, if you want to get that guy or girl of your dreams than it all starts with how you feel and being healthy is critical in achieving this and all the things you want in life. 10 years ago I was 50 pounds over weight, divorced and just down right depressed until I saw an infomercial on the Ninja Blender in the middle of the night. I was amazed at how easy it was to stick large pieces of fruits and vegetables into the blender and then moments later you had a delicious healthy life saving drink.

I feel that one doesn’t need 100 recipes to be successful in getting healthy, all you need is an easy to follow recipe guide with 20 + recipes that are beautifully illustrated with PICTURES on each page to help you reach your weight loss destiny. . I hate to brag but this book has everything you want in a juice book because its healthy (SEXY! FUNNY!) you will know what I’m talking about when you look inside, with titles like “BABY GOT BACK” AND “SIX PACK, NO MORE KEG” just use your imagination when it comes to the sexy part. TAKE ACTION NOW FOR YOUR HEALTH!

Table of Contents

Introduction/Your Free Gift!

2. Preparation for all recipes

3. Simplicity

4. Fruit & Veggie Galore

5. Parsley Parley

6. Kale Transformer

7. Granny Smith’s Favorite

8. Spinach Delight

9. Sweet Beet

10. Bunnies Favorite

11. Fat Melt

12. Six Pack, No More Keg

13. Firm Butt

14. Good Bye Cellulite

15. Man Snatcher

16. Curves in All the Right Places

17. Baby Got Back

18. Makes Your Tongue Slap Your Brains Out! (Spicy)

19. Urkels Metabolism

20. Daily Glow

21. Brain Food

22. Love Handle Eliminator

23. in Closing

24. Your Free Gift!

Take action today and download this book for a limited time discount of only


Tags: Juicing, Juicing for weight loss, books, recipes,

Free on 17th - 21st Mar 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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