
Free on 1st - 5th May 17
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Ketogenic Diet Cookbook Vol. 5 Slow Cookers Recipes

The Ketogenic diet could be considered one of the best diets available for maximum weight loss. Many of the world’s leanest men and women have used the ketones released from being in a state of ketosis to achieve amazing bodies.

Inside you will discover some awesome recipes that will support your dieting efforts and make living a low carb lifestyle much easier. By having a variety of recipes available, you will avoid the food boredom that usually causes people to overeat and gain weight.

What Does The Ketogenic Diet Entail?

Essentially a Ketogenic diet has you eating very few carbs and a lot of healthy fats and moderate protein. Don’t let the word fats scare you away because this diet has been proven to work for weight loss time and again.

Here are just some of the foods you get to enjoy:

Tuna, salmon, shellfish and other fatty sources of seafoodAvocado, egg yolks, nuts, coconut oil, butter and even mayonnaise (watch for carb loaded brands)All meats such as beef, bacon, chicken, sausage, wild game, bacon (just to reinforce you get bacon) preferably of the grass fed varietyDark, green leafy vegetables (these contain the least amounts of carbs) and other vegetables in moderationHard and soft cheeses, sour cream, cottage cheese and even heavy whipping cream (choose full fat varieties)

As you can see the Ketogenic diet still includes many of your favorites and even some foods that are forbidden on other diets. There will be a transitioning period as you switch from burning carbohydrates as energy to burning the ketones and fat in your body for energy.

Once you have adjusted you will be amazed at how your body turns into a fat burning machine. You won’t even miss the carbohydrates you used to eat once you look in the mirror.

It is a diet that just plain works for weight loss and for those who are carb sensitive.

Would You Like Even More Recipes?

In order to stick with a healthy lifestyle you need a variety of recipes at your fingertips which is why you will want to check out all the cookbooks in the series:

Ketogenic Diet Cookbook Vol. 1 Breakfast Recipes
Ketogenic Diet Cookbook Vol. 2 Lunch Recipes
Ketogenic Diet Cookbook Vol. 3 Dinner Recipes
Ketogenic Diet Cookbook Vol. 4 Snacks & Dessert Recipes

Download and start enjoying your recipes right away.

Scroll to the top of the page and select the buy button. 

Free on 1st - 5th May 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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