
Free on 24th - 29th Sep 23
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If you like action, hero geeks, and horrible bad guys, you will love this book! As ecological disaster looms our government must have a scapegoat. Under attack, accused of being traitors, even their friends wonder if the Oberllyn think tank can survive. Full of paradoxical decisions, Traveler leads us down a road we might go in a few years if we don’t make changes now. Our government must have a scapegoat and the Oberllyn’s are accused of being traitors. Can we and they survive ecological disaster?

Readers have written:
“I really enjoyed reading this book. I will miss the Oberllyn clan. Perhaps J Traveler Pelton can write another series of books on the Oberllyn clan Hint, hint.�� I thought the book was terrific. It’s a book for those from about 6th grade to the elderly. The Brotherhood rears its ugly head again and endangers the Oberllyn family in a heartbreaking and scary way. Where’s the real US President when you need him? There’s so much danger and suspense. Violet and Noah are getting older and preparing to really retire as the heads of the family this time. When they pass the reign to the next generation they know they won’t be going on the next big adventure. Is there room on the planet for the family or will they look to a future in outer space?”

“:This series is excellent. Each book has the same basic characters .
But, a new twist. Leading to the final book.
Love this author.”
Yet again: “This was a really exciting and fun read! J. Traveler Pelton tells the majority of their story through dialogue, rather than narration, which I think is really unique. It’s not something you come across in most books. The characters are relatable, and they each have their own personality traits and quirks. Once you get reading you really don’t want to put it down. This is an excellent read for anybody whose looking for something different and fun.”

See what everyone is talking about! Newly re-edited, rewritten and given a new cover, Kin and Kin Together Again is a must read for the season.

Free on 24th - 29th Sep 23
View on Amazon.co.uk


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