
Free on 16th - 17th Nov 24
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What do Thor, Loki and Odin have to do with ancient Scandinavia?

If you?ve always wondered where the real origin stories of these characters come from, this book is your quest to journey through the riveting realms of the Norse cosmos to find out!

Legends of Norse Mythology is your guide for navigating the Norse realms and revealing the origins of these mythical stories, ranging from the gripping narratives of revered gods to Viking sagas of the Scandinavian seafaring adventures, to the timeless rituals of the Nordic people.


Book I: Legends of Gods and Heroes

Immerse yourself in the ancient Norse tales, where each story is a blend of power, mischief, deception, and fate, bringing the gods to life.

But it’s not all about gods and myths! Book II: Legends of Vikings and Warriors provides a peek into Viking life and society, exploring their origins, daily practices, social structures, and the notable roles of both warriors and everyday individuals. Unearth the origins of these myths and understand the rituals and rites that intertwined the Vikings with their deities.

Beyond the myths, witness their lasting influence on modern pop culture, from cinema to games to literature and music.

If you are ready for an adventure soaring through the Norse Cosmos, the Viking Age and what it all means today?your journey awaits.

Navigate tricky pronunciations with a pain-free guide to complex Norse names, available to download for free with the purchase of this book.Journey with curiosity into the complex cosmology of the Norse universe and how the Nine Realms are all connected through the World Tree, Yggdrasil.Immerse yourself in the prophecies, the battles, the rebirth?the captivating stories where the future has been foretold and no matter what decisions are being made, no one can escape their fate.Dive into the Viking Age to gain a richer understanding of Viking life.Discover the symbolic aspects of Norse culture, from mysterious runes to profound spiritual beliefs and views on the afterlife.Set sail with the Vikings on their longships and dragonships as they embark on their raids to plunder and expand the Scandinavian landscape.Explore the influence of Norse mythology on modern pop culture and its impact on everything from literature, movies, TV shows and games.Examine the influence of the Eddas and sagas and discover the powerful ancient texts that captured the stories of Norse Mythology.Uncover real-life locations and archeological sites related to Viking ships.

If you’re ready to dive into a world where myths inspire and history speaks, this journey through the time and legends of Norse traditions and beliefs is just for you!

If you?re thinking “I’ve watched movies about Thor and Loki so, I already know the stories?. Think again! This book isn’t just another recounting of popular stories. It is a deep dive into the intricate tapestry of Norse mythology, the Viking Era lifestyle and how Norse mythology impacts our current day.

Free on 16th - 17th Nov 24
View on Amazon.co.uk


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