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Free on 18th - 22nd Sep 14
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Read this book and you’ll discover:

√ Why you continue to impulse shop even when you don’t want to.

√ Why you still go shopping with a closet full of clothes.

√ Why everyone says babies are so expensive (even though they’re not.)

√ Why frugal living and simple living are often at war.

You’ll discover tried and true tips on:

√ Learning to mind your own business to prevent envy.

√ Maintaining a beautiful and inviting home on a budget.

√ Learning to be the entertainment instead of seeking paid entertainment.

√ Getting out of the unfulfilling “Keeping up with the Joneses” rat race.

Other tips on frugal and simple living include:

√ How to use home remedies to help meet your family’s needs.

√ How having your own garden, food storage, and emergency preparedness can help you save.

√ How having effective systems and organisation in your home prevents excess.

√ How purpose breeds contentment in our daily lives.

So if you really want to know why – in spite of the desire to be frugal – you:

√ Feel more secure with more stuff;

√ Think downsizing is going backwards;

√ Are envious of others possessions.

then this book is a must read!

Nobody really believes that more stuff equals more happiness. No one actually thinks that, on their deathbed, they will be so grateful they had all that time with their worldly possessions. Even so, why is it so hard to live simply and frugally?

It isn’t because we don’t want to, it’s because we are believing numerous little lies that our society, culture and even experience have told us.

“One is not enough.”

“Only poor people are frugal.”

“More things equal more convenience.”

“I don’t have much money so I don’t need to budget.”

“Everyone else spends freely and they’re not in money trouble.”

These thoughts (and many many more) have woven their way throughout our lives in a way that make it difficult to act out our desires to minimize, and live simply and frugally.

Lies That Make You Pay & Truths That Set You Free will highlight 30 lies (in 30 chapters) that stop us from going forward with more. More time, more money, and more contentment.

Each chapter includes a personal challenge, and all the challenges can be printed in a FREE bundle!

Free on 18th - 22nd Sep 14
View on Amazon.co.uk


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