
Free on 6th - 10th Sep 23
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The modern, healthy psychopath (referred to by some as psychosapien) is not the stereotypical, mindless, and often violent criminal sensationalized in folklore and the media. He is more typically intelligent with a character matrix that makes him exceptionally suited to function successfully in today’s multifaceted social environment. He is hard-wired against the often personally enslaving and destructive social pressures of conformity, doublethink, self-doubt, docility, and guilt. He is adventurous, self-confident, often charming, an aggressive calculating risk-taker, and is willing to challenge the status quo. He is the guy you want to be with in a fight and, if he is on the other side, the guy that causes you to give up and go home. The psychosapien is a gift of social evolution to his friends, family, phartry and to free-minded people everywhere. But he is a curse on the mindless, communalist demagogues that populate the upper echelons of every society throughout all of history, spouting exaggerated political promises and mindless slogans to dishonestly solicit loyalty, support, and compliance from the duped masses of underlings. The modern psychosapien has thrown off the shackles of social stereotyping and prejudice that have marked him as a mentally ill societal misfit, and has emerged as an authentic, happy, healthy, self-actualized individual.


Who is Johnny Picaro? If you ask his brother, the prison psychiatrist, and the beach psychologist, Johnny is an incorrigible psychopath, sociopath, or both; his college psychology professor agrees, but adds that he is also the epitome of a healthy psychopath: a psychosapien; his sister sees him as an anti-Christian heathen; his dad confesses Johnny’s delinquent childhood behavior kept them from bonding but he still is very proud of the successful businessman Johnny became; his ex-fiancée who dumped him as a convicted felon and the superior court judge both agree he will always be a loser; but his surfing buddies acknowledge him as the leader of the pack and as tough as a junkyard dog; the soup kitchen nun sees Johnny as a shifty, social chameleon but also as a charming, resourceful, compassionate guy; the enslaved Ukrainian orphan girl knows him as the hero who helped when no one else would; the ruthless Barrio 13 drug honcho and his autistic brother hate Johnny and see him as an impediment to their business model who they intend to brutalize again and then eliminate; his wealthy, aging social-lite employer recognizes him as the tough, smart paladin she clearly needs right now; his renegade girlfriend sees Johnny as the perfect mate who is highly intelligent, self-confident, and an energetic, fearless risk taker who ignores arbitrary authority, and she knows he is enthralled by a girl who, along with her military grade computer hacking skills, really knows her way around a penis. And what would Johnny say? “Kind’a stupid question to ask someone. Who cares what other people think?”


Free on 6th - 10th Sep 23
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