
Free on 26th - 30th Nov 24
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An unidentified Pilot drops Angel’s hair in a rubbish dump. He was friendly. And he communicates with us clearly, and tells us a lot. Angel’s hair is something scientific which is practically massless, and it evaporates. Throughout the book communication with aliens is through long distance, they are friendly. But they are spirits, who want to share the secret of eternity with us. Their society is a population of spirits.

A scientific innovation is mentioned. De-materialization, is the process whereby one of their spacecraft suddenly disappears completely and vanishes. De-materialization also happens when an alien spaceship intentionally dives rapidly towards the ground, but there is no crash as it has disappeared. Where did it go? Re-materialization is when they make it reappear, as they do often. It is to them an ancient technology, but they explain it. Two very strange aliens are about 2 foot tall, humanoids, but their bodies are transparent to light, invisible until black tape is wrapped around it, and their heads are spheres with about 20 eyes. Which change and grow quickly. They said they are friendly teachers at a foreign University, and they try to tell us a lot! They show us some experiments with strange liquids. Aliens have found a new dimension of scientific knowledge when they discovered that they can make spirits grow and grow. Spirits are living and growing. The discovery of spirits growing larger and greater opened the most important new field of science.

Understanding what a spirit is, they have put their spirit into eggs. And say, because they have put their spirit into an egg they can never die. Over millions of years, they have done research to increase the speed at which they think and move, they have discovered many ways of improving their speed. They think millions of times faster, and tell us incredible things about time rates being relative. They have created almost massless fields of forces, which can be woven into a fine detailed structure. Having a fine detailed structure of almost light massless forces, it was natural that they wanted to create life from it. The life they created is almost weightless, it becomes the possession of their spirit, and all of them move at incredibly high speed. To explain De-materialization, you need to think that empty space is a thin surface which matter sticks to and adheres to. They said the normal force of adhesion is about 184 tons to the square inch. But they avoid strong forces that might tear something, by using a catalyst particle which like billiard balls bounce around, knocking atoms away from space. Above the surface we think of as empty space there is a different space, and then yet another different space, if they want to travel higher. To cause De-materialization, an alien spaceship creates a cloud of catalyst particles which bounce around and needs to penetrate their aircraft completely. These particles have been called catalysts, and they have been accelerated to high energy though they are almost massless. And they bounce around hitting atoms about 20 times, before they stop, striking at and bouncing off the nucleus of atoms to do their catalyst effect. And every time they strike an atom, that causes the atomic nucleus to separate gently from empty space, to lose its stickiness for a moment, and the atom then lifts away and vanishes completely. A static charge applied to the whole spacecraft prevents it from returning, and holds it up in that dimension where you can’t see it, and it is sometimes hovering merely a few inches up though it has vanished.

To Re-materialize, (or to reappear as if from nowhere) they gently decrease the static charge, and the spaceship gently lowers towards empty space, and returns to empty space, and as it does so it may push air molecules aside harmlessly.

Free on 26th - 30th Nov 24
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