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Free on 11th - 15th May 16
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If you’re ready to learn how to decrease your dependency on money, then this book is for you!

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There’s an inverse relationship between having more and needing less that dictates the quality of life a person can experience. For example, if all other variables remain static, and all of a sudden you have more of something – let’s say money for example – then you’re better off, right? And conversely, if all other variables remain static, and all of a sudden you need less money, then you’re also better off. So assuming you want to be better off, it’s a good objective to either increase your financial wealth, or decrease your dependency on money.

But let’s take this one step further… Are these two concepts truly equal? Financially speaking, the answer would be “yes.” But in terms of gaining happiness, the answer is a loud and resounding “NO!” Time and time again, we see people join the “rat race” and work to the bone for more money, and once they get it: firstly, it’s never enough and they always want more, and secondly, it becomes a full time job just to protect what they’ve managed to accumulate. Happiness is never achieved this way, and that’s a guarantee!

So what’s a much simpler, better way that can actually lead to true and lasting happiness? That’s right, needing less! In this book, I have included everything you need to know about living on less money and adopting a minimalist mentality. So if you’re ready to reduce your dependency on money, then download this book now and let’s get started!

Here Is A Preview Of What You’ll Learn…

The Dichotomy of Wealth GroupsUnderstanding Minimalism and MoneyDistinguishing Your Wants vs. Your Needs How to Dramatically Cut CostsTips for Avoiding TemptationHow to Make use of Automatic SavingsMuch, much more!Download your copy today!

Free on 11th - 15th May 16
View on Amazon.co.uk


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