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Free on 27th - 29th Jun 24
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This is the first book in the Cinderella’s Secret Diaries series. Lost will captivate readers who love New Adult fiction and fairy tales. Lost is a perfect match for fans who have read Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight series.

Everyone knows the story of Cinderella and the glass slipper, but what happened to her after she married the Prince? Set in the late 1700s as Napoleon is rising to power, Cinderella embarks on a journey of self-discovery as she tries to come to terms with her new life. Her journey leads her to find her long lost Fairy Godmother and aids her to solve the mystery behind her mother’s death. Yet the Fey Lord, the Silver Fox, also takes notice in her and suddenly her world is turned upside down . . .

Find out if Cinderella does find her happily ever after in Lost, the dark and intriguing first book in the Cinderella’s Secret Diaries series!

Free on 27th - 29th Jun 24
View on Amazon.co.uk


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