Freedom is a golden word, but entirely subjective. My idea of freedom is not yours, nor yours mine. My question in this speculative thriller is if freedom is possible at all. This book starts as a seemingly random collection of stories, but as the prison system, Lucifer’s Cage, is introduced, all starts to make sense.
Is freedom possible in Lucifer’s Cage?
After years of demand for prison reform, immersion technology is introduced to provide prisoners with a world indistinguishable from reality where rehabilitation is undergone using carrots and often a hefty stick.
Is this new method really more humane than cages? Explore the innovative prison and follow various characters as they chase their ever-elusive freedom.
So, is freedom possible?
Can anyone ever really be free?
Are you?
Welcome to Lucifer’s Cage.
Sartoris and Subterfuges: Posthumous Poems
Last Night at the Nowhere Cliff: A Short Story Collection (Shorts, Collected)
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