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Male Intuitive Mastery? Really? Do men have intuition?

The short answer is “Yes!” I can teach you to access the large part of your brain that few men know about. With your increased mind power you can catapult to success at work, improve your relationships, manage pain and addictions, and set and meet larger goals than you ever dreamed possible!

The 7 STEPS TO MALE INTUITIVE MASTERY™ that I outline in this book will allow you to access your intuitive/subconscious mind and dramatically increase your brain power. The steps are easy, and there are lots of actual exercises so that you can apply the steps to your life. They are proven in my life and the lives of many I have coached to use them.

I have clinically tested, evaluated and modified each concept and Synergistic Trance Tool™ in concert with my Cyclical-Trigger Developmental Model™ to create a path through which you can pursue the gifts of your intuitive mind with ease and an expanding sense of personal confidence.

Dr. Tim Hall, Ph.D. an award-winning life coach, hypnotherapist, and international mental health practitioner, healthcare strategist and administrator. I have always been deeply committed to serving others.

For several years I pursued my professional passions as the executive director or administrator of several large and highly regarded public organizations:

The Kennedy Center in Santa Monica, California; The Neuropsychiatric Institute and the University Affiliated Program at UCLA; and the Alberta Children’s Hospital in Calgary, Canada. Ultimately, I returned to private practice as a mental health therapist. Soon, I realized that I wanted to guide my clients down some new and creative paths of self-empowerment. Consequently, I studied and added hypnotherapy to my mental health practice.

My clinical/hypnotherapy practice became very effective, client after client. One night I awoke from deep sleep with an absolute calling, my fourth clear epiphany. Since I could guide individuals away from old dysfunctional patterns toward a far happier course of life through accessing their intuitive mind, I should be able to develop a process through which they could do so for themselves.

I developed a deep inner passion to create a model with effective concepts and trance tools through which individuals could tap into their own intuitive mind to nourish a magnificent future and honoured heritage.

Free on 23rd Oct 15
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