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Market your eBook to websites averaging 66.5 Million visitors per month! This comprehensive directory provides a database giving you over 150 unique places to market your eBook for FREE.

Stop wasting time with obsolete lists, old domain names, and places that now charge for advertising. Begin marketing your eBook to the masses now!

After completing my first book, I soon realized that the real work was getting people to know my book existed, then purchase it. Like most of you, my marketing fund might buy the Grande Meal at Taco Bell, but it was not going to turn many heads. When I started to search around for cheap alternatives, I stumbled upon multiple websites claiming to have lists of places that will market my eBook for free by listing it with their website, blog, twitter followers, newsletter, or daily email. However, when I attempted to follow the links, many took me to obsolete pages, old domain names, or places that now charged for advertising.

Frustrated with that process, I began building my own list of vetted sites that were live, currently accepting book submissions, and providing a chance for my book to get some downloads. This directory does not purport to provide a master class in eBook marketing techniques (there are plenty of those!), but simply provides an advertising database that gives you over 150 places to market your eBook for $0. That’s not a bad start. Some of the sites are quite small and focused, while others are massive behemoths of potential. Whatever your topic, you will likely find some great options for marketing your eBook.

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Free on 26th - 30th Dec 16
View on Amazon.co.uk


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