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vigor&belle presents our ‘Meal Prep: Cookbook & Guide’ for just $2.99 today! Regular price $4.99. Compatible to read on your kindle device, tablet, phone or computer.

vigor&belle is a lifestyle brand for healthy eating and beauty that can change the way you live your life.

If you constantly find yourself rushing from A to B, while crying in vain to find enough time to prepare a meal, you may need a bit of a helping hand. When you have a bit of free time on a Sunday for example, you should think about preparing your meals for the coming week. I’ve been preparing meals for years, it’s something my mother always did, and what I still do.

Meal Preparation Benefits

Meal preparation can make life a lot easier, particularly if you would like to sit down to a homemade dinner, but you simply don’t have the time to make one. You should set aside at least a few hours each week in order to prepare your meals, but doing so will save you a lot of time.

How will it save me time?

Preparing meals in one go will save you a lot of time. You will no longer have to stand in front of your oven every night, and you will no longer have a huge pile of dishes to clean. A once a week meal prep ‘Session’ means you will only have to stand in front of your oven for a few hours once a week. You will also have fewer dishes to wash too, and that can only be a good thing.

Budget Friendly

Meals that you cook from scratch can be very budget friendly, which means you have the potential to save yourself quite a bit of cash. Eating out, ordering take outs, and consuming TV dinners can cost quite a lot of money. We can easily spend $200-$300 dollars a month on TV dinners for the whole family, throw on everything else, and the costs spiral.

When you cook a meal from scratch, chances are you’re going to be using the same ingredients again and again. This means that the little pot of mixed herbs you bought last week, can potentially last you for months, if you only use 1 sprinkle per meal. Those fresh vegetables that you buy from your local market won’t cost as much as they do in your local store, and they’ll stay fresher for longer too.

Meals Lasting 4-5 Days

The meals that are contained within this eBook typically keep for 4-5 days, if you store them in the refrigerator. One trick that I’ve found very useful when making a batch of meals, is to stick a label on the tubs and pots I keep them in. That way if I or one of my family members fancies a meal, they can tell what’s in the tub, and when it was cooked.

Meals can last 4-5 days, sometimes a little longer, but you need to be careful when you keep food in the refrigerator. Chicken and pork should be eaten up as quickly as possible, and prawns are just as important too. You should not consume any chicken, pork, or prawn meals that have been in your refrigerator for any more than 5 days.

Freezing Meals

When it comes to freezing meals, you have a real potential to save yourself a lot of time, while also having a delicious meal to hand whenever you want one. You will need to make sure that you don’t re-freeze meat or fish (Including prawns) that has previously been frozen. If you’re not sure whether the ingredients you’re using have been frozen, look at the packaging and product description for details.

Meal Prep: Cookbook & Guide includes:

Introduction to Meal Prep Breakfast Recipes Lunch Recipes Dinner RecipesSnack Recipes Don’t miss out! Download your copy today!

Free on 21st Feb 18
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