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Meditation for Beginners: How to Meditate for Stress Management, Focus, & Lifelong Happiness

The key to happiness is right under your nose. In fact, it is your breath. Mindful relaxation and breathing can soothe the stress of life in remarkable ways.

We live in a world where everything goes by so fast. Life is like a blur. Every second spent on this earth is spent focused on a different thing. We’re thinking about this thing one moment, then another thing the next. We do one thing and then jump to another task immediately right after. Most of the times, we do a number of things at the same time. That’s what makes life so complicated. There’s just so much going on in our lives that we fail to see the most important things life has to offer. What happens once we accomplish what we started? We seldom really enjoy the fruits. Most often than not, we move on to another task. We try to reach another goal.
And when we fail to finish what we intend to do, we tend to curl up in a corner and wallow. We feel like we’re not doing our best. We are not doing enough to make ourselves happy. We are always stressed. We are unhappy. At least many of us.

In Meditation for Beginners, you will learn:

To understand the historical trends that have led to the modern practice of meditationThe three elements of meditation: regular practice, practicing with others, and not passing judgmentHow to focus on the now, the present momentMeditation must dos, tips and techniques to make your meditation more beneficialHow to re-direct the wanderings of your mindThe key to happiness, living in the present momentDiscoveries about the medical benefits of meditation.Happiness is something everyone strives for. Some claim they are happy and contented with their lives. Others are not so lucky. Every day everyone is bombarded with a lot of things that can affect you in a negative manner. There will be times when your patience will be tested — the water heater is broken, you’re stuck in traffic, a person coughing in sneezing in the subway, stepping on poop, or the kids fighting over a toy. Stressful situations are a given. Mindfulness meditation teaches us how to be at the present and when we learn to live here and now, we tend to look at things around us without attachment.

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Free on 22nd - 26th Mar 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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