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PALEO ON-THE-GO: The Perfect Paleo Meal Plan for Busy Paleo People

Cave men ate real food. It was not food in a can with lots of artificial ingredients that you can say or spell. Their food was simple and natural, but also very healthy.

The benefits of Paleo diet over a normal diet are numerous. It is rich in nutrients and the calorie intake is brought down to a minimum. You consume a lot of healthy fats such as monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats and omega-3 fats. And the best part is, once you begin the Paleo diet, it is easy to sustain it because of the humongous variety of dishes that can be prepared.

However practical application of this diet in the current age is bound to be fraught with difficulties. A major reason for this is the hectic and busy lifestyle in which we seldom find time to prepare a healthy meal or go shopping for its ingredients.

But fear not, because this book brings together a meal plan comprising of 30 Paleo recipes for breakfast, lunch and dinner that are tailor made to suit people on the go. All of the dishes given here can be prepared in about 15 minutes, give or take a minute.

By reading PALEO ON-THE-GO: The Perfect Paleo Meal Plan for Busy Paleo People, you will learn:

Ten nutritious breakfast recipesTen satisfying, but simple lunch recipes that can be prepared the night before or within 10-15 minutes in the morningTen well-balanced, hearty recipes for dinnerThis book thoroughly demonstrates that the Paleo lifestyle can be incorporated into our busy lives today. All the recipes are healthy, but they do require some foresight to plan shopping and meal preparation.

Do not look at this diet as some new fad that everybody is doing. Learn about all aspects of this diet, love it, and adopt it as a lifestyle instead of trying to shoehorn it into your over crowded lifestyle.

ACT NOW! Click on that orange BUY button at the top of this page!

Then, you can immediately begin reading PALEO ON-THE-GO: The Perfect Paleo Meal Plan for Busy Paleo People on your Kindle device, computer, tablet or smartphone.

Free on 21st Mar 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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