
Free on 8th - 12th Feb 17
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A lot of people are interested in meditation, however, more often than not they shy away from meditation because they feel it is something which only very special people can do. It is this belief, that meditation can only be carried out by the few, that stops many people from trying out meditation. In reality meditation is a natural process and when we meditate it returns consciousness back to its natural state. In this book you shall see that meditation is doable, although for most people it will take a little bit of work to get going with.

Whenever we learn some new skill, there is a learning phase. These days people don’t think twice about spending hours and hours either learning how to use a new smart phone or app or computer game, but they lack this same enthusiasm, when it comes to learning how to meditate. I assure you that if you spend twenty minutes a day, every day, for a month that you will be able to meditate!
oLess mental stress
oWorrying less
oIncreased calmness
oFeeling more grounded and in the now!
oFeeling happier about yourself and who you are!
oImproved relationship with God
oSleeping better
oImproved mental performance
oBetter physical health
oIncreased Longevity
oMore self – knowledge

In this book you will learn all about the basics of meditation.

Chapter One – Will give you a theoretical background to meditation
Chapter Two – Outlines the basics of getting started with meditation
Chapter Three – Will help you learn how to relax into meditation which will make it far easier to meditate
Chapter Four – Outlines the basic meditation techniques
Chapter Five – Will help you to learn advanced visualisation techniques
Chapter Six – Will help you to learn advanced abstract meditation techniques
Chapter Seven – Will help you to learn religious/spiritual meditation techniques
Chapter Eight – Will help you to put all the jigsaw pieces together, so you can get a running start with your meditation practice!

oIf you have been thinking about taking up meditation for years, but just don’t know how to do it, then start reading this book today!
oIf you have been meditating for some time but feel stuck and are not so sure how to move onto the next stage, then take a look at this book now!
oIf you are happy with your meditation practice but would like to try out some new techniques, which you probably have never heard before, then take a look at this book today!

Free on 8th - 12th Feb 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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