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Free on 22nd Nov 17
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We have all heard the stories of the famous serial killers like Jeffrey Dahmer and Ted Bundy and ask ourselves how anyone could ever brutally kill so many people without feeling any guilt or remorse at all. In this eBook, you will learn all about two different kinds of personality disorders. One of these being antisocial personality disorder, which includes both psychopaths and sociopaths, and the other being schizophrenia, which is a brain disorder.

This eBook will walk you through each disorder by examining their symptoms, their causes, their diagnoses, their prevalence, and their various treatment options in great detail.

Furthermore, we will discuss different examples of real life psychopaths and sociopaths, and real life individuals who struggle with schizophrenia. We will also discuss characters in popular culture that display the traits of individuals with these various disorders and how they are portrayed in the media. Together, we will examine their symptoms and see how they meet the criteria for the diagnosis.

To conclude, you will learn about the stigma associated with mental illness, the destructive effects of this stigma, and what we can all do to change it.

We may not understand how a person with a certain disorder feels, because we are not living life in their shoes, but after reading this eBook, you will gain insight and knowledge into the traits that form their personality and you will gain a better understanding as to why they behave the way that they do.

Education is key when it comes to understanding mental illnesses. Reading this book will help you gain a newfound knowledge of two of the worst personality disorders that people struggle with. By reading this book and educating yourself on these disorders, you will be able to positively affect the lives of others, not only those who have to live with these disorders daily, but everyone.

Free on 22nd Nov 17
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