Author: Genre: Length: Epic

Free on 22nd Jun 17
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Meet Thomas Vega, a lonely, ex-Special Forces operative with PTSD.
Thomas Vega, a wounded member of the US Army special forces, has traveled a twisting, perilous road from the deserts of the Middle East to the top of a lonely mountain on the outskirts of Tennessee. Then he, along with his service dog, Bandit, meet a wonderful woman and saves her from a muggers abuse before the situation got completely out of hand.

He had no idea that this chance encounter would change their lives forever.

Meet India Gibson. The closer she gets to the stranger, the further she gets from her family.
Meanwhile, India Gibson was doing her best to improve life for herself and her jealous younger brother, who had a criminal history already. Working nights, taking classes during the day, staying out of trouble. Then trouble came knocking right at her front door as an unthinkable act of violence shatters her world on more than one occasion.

The lives of these two individuals become more and more inter-twined as time goes on, despite the inability of her delinquent brother to bless the union.

Then, having overcome their initial relationship obstacles, the couple finally gets to a good place. Or so they thought. But ghosts from the past soon come roaring back to haunt the lovers when Thomas receives a mysterious letter that challenges everything he’s known about his life and that changes everything going forward.

Despite the love they feel for each other, will they succeed and overcome all odds and stay together? Or will blood turn out to be, in fact, thicker than water?

Genre: Interracial Romance / Military Romance

Free on 22nd Jun 17
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