This book is about making money from your writing. It covers old school stuff through modern advances in the writing world. The section on legal/ethical opinions can keep you out of hot water with your chain-of-command (note the key word “can” – you can still get in trouble regardless of whether you buy this book or not). With recommendations ranging from the very quick Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) process, to blogging (no, really), to traditional freelance writing, to Fiverr gigs, to writing jobs that may be found at LinkedIn, to user-generated content like Google Forms, to information products that can be sold at Amazon. Plus, a whole lot more: Pen names, interruption solutions, completion tricks, author website solutions, and last but not least – a few words that might confirm in your mind that concentrating on only on writing area works very well: Think “gunpowder family,” “ketchup family,” or “MS-DOS family.”
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