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Free on 13th Mar 14
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Is there something you want to achieve or obtain? Jenny provides a new approach to creating positive change through seemingly unrelated and enjoyable activities. If you are not getting the results you want from your yen or what you may call your longings, yearnings, desires, goals, or dreams then give this a try.

Mind Over Mat will provide new perspective and options. You will first identify the primary feeling or emotion that is holding you back from achieving your objectives. Using the illustrations, you can identify the underlying imbalance and select from a variety of activities to create balance and achieve success. Here are some examples:

– Once you shift from insecurity to confidence you will then find it is much easier to tackle big goals like finding a new job or relationship.
– Once you shift from feeling sluggish or apathetic to energetic you will find you have a renewed passion for all goals including health and wellness.
– Let’s say you’ve been really working at achieving your goal and are not getting the results you want. If you feel frustrated or disappointed you will learn how to find a new source of stamina by first taking time to relax, center and regroup. Sometimes the best thing you can do is to stop multi-tasking and focus.

Once you achieve more positive feelings and have some fun with Mind Over Mat you can move on to Jenny’s other two books, which will provide a more pragmatic approach to achieving your goals. Four Steps to a Better Life (2007) and Yen Path: Taking Steps Towards What You Want in Life (2011) will be referenced throughout this book to help guide you every step of the way towards real transformation.


Jenny has 20+ years of corporate healthcare experience and has had her wellness business for ten years. She is known as “The Better Life Coach”, has hosted talk radio shows and much more. She also holds an ERYT-200 and has taught over 2,000 hours of yoga instruction. Her first two books provide practical tools to help people create positive change. “Four Steps to a Better Life” created the groundwork for people to shift from “I can’t because…” to “I-C-A-N” and provided four actionable steps to success. “Yen Path: Taking Steps Towards What You Want in Life” provides a more detailed methodology that shares ancient and modern techniques which are both pragmatic and enjoyable.

Free on 13th Mar 14
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