Author: Genre: Length: Novella

Free on 13th - 16th Jun 15
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Farming in Minecraft PE is Fun and Essential

There are certain crops and items that can only be obtained through farming and these items can help you progress the game in a safer and more efficient way.

I’ve known a lot of people who gave up playing on survival mode because they just can’t seem to get the importance of learning the essential farming skills to be self-sufficient.

For this reason, I’ve prepared ultimate guide book on how you can be a professional at farming in Minecraft PE. This will take you through the kinds of crops that can be grown on farms as well as the equipment you’ll have to craft to be able to start one. And it has LOTS OF PICTURES for you to follow.

Step-By-Step Guide to Teaching You How to Build an Advanced Farm

Minecraft farming is complex but it is also what makes the game enjoyable and challenging. For those who’re just starting out, knowledge of farming can either make or break your game.

Therefore, we have a step-by-step guide in this book which will teach you how to build a farm from scratch no matter you want to build a melon farm, a sugarcane farm or a pumpkin farm. We will also guide you through the process of building an advanced farm. The farm structure is so cool that you will certainly make your friends jealous.

In summary, this book will teach you:

How farming works in Minecraft Pocket Edition

How to build a basic farm

How to build an advanced farm

How the light level affects your plants

How the grow wheat, carrots, potatoes, sugar cane, melons, pumpkins and mushroom

The secret tips and techniques so that you can farm like a pro

And more!

Free on 13th - 16th Jun 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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