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How Can Minimalism Bring Meaning To Your Life?

You CAN have a greater, happier life by having less!

If being rich and being happy were the same, every rich person would be happy. But are they? No, it’s not stuff and money that brings happiness. As we gain more resources, we try to look for more comfort and convenience. More and more money is pushed into objects, technologies and services that seemingly make things more convenient for us.

And for the most part, they honestly do. But there comes a point where there is just too much and all the things start to take over! Minimalism is not about giving up on stuff. Minimalism is plain organizing. In this book, we’ll help you simply figure out the things that are essential for you and ways to reduce the chaos around you.

Here is a preview for what you’ll find in this book:
How to have a more organized life
What’s has become too big in your life (simplify!)
How to know how much is enough
Getting back to people
Meditation (The minimalist mind)
Digital minimalism
Your wardrobe (de-clutter!)
Giving back
And much much more
Download this thought-provoking book now and discover ways to make your life more meaningful with less stuff.

Take action now. This book is only $0.99 for a limited time!

Free on 4th Jan 18
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