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Free on 23rd - 27th Apr 15
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Minimalism is not just a fad, it is a way of living. Living with less and letting go more opens the door to more freedom and opportunities to live life fully. Life as a minimalist can be more fulfilling than you ever imagined. In my journey towards living a more minimal lifestyle, I have found more joy, peace and happiness. My journey has included some difficult moments but the choice to live minimally has been invaluable.

In my book I will share with you:

Personal and intimate stories about why I became a minimalist.

My journey and the pitfalls and struggles I experienced once I started down the path to a minimalistic lifestyle.

How minimalism has helped me let go of emotional baggage that was keeping me locked up inside.

How de-cluttering my home has translated to de-cluttering my mind and spirit.

How simplicity is the way to streamlining your life in every way.

The joy of letting go and living with less.

What our lives are like now as minimalists and how it has impacted my family.

Inspiration to become a minimalist yourself!

I wrote this book in the hopes to record and share with others, my journey into minimalism. Becoming a minimalist has not been an easy road but it has been a worthy one. I know there are people out there that might want to make the change to simplifying and minimizing but are not sure how it will affect them, and I am so glad to have a story to share with you about my experience. Please enjoy!

Free on 23rd - 27th Apr 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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