The realm of Cambria has been ravaged by war for decades. Towns and villages are reduced to heaps of rubble and wasteland. On one side, the Imperial Lances and Cambria’s fearsome chanters, capable of shaping reality through the power of their harmonies. On the other, Eldain’s proud rebels, guardians of the free domains in the East. Three brothers are born and grow up submerged in the despair of the fighting, smothered by a hatred that infects them and fuels them to seek each other out on the battlefield. They are dragged by remorse and recrimination with roots too deep to be eradicated, tied double to the blood-steeped failure of their family. And so the war front becomes the stage where Mordraud, Dunwich and Gwern will play out their personal tragedies, between irresistible passions, rampant careers, and drawn-out nights shivering in tents assailed by the Long Winter.
Queen of Arlin (The Cyber Chronicles Book 1)
Incarnation: Wandering Stars Volume One
Haunted Houses Creak: A Horror Collection (Shorts, Collected)
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